Hi, I'm Bob Gerace –


Since 2005, I’ve helped over 10,000 men bring their marriage back from the brink, and to lead those marriages to bliss. Known as the Christian Marriage Expert, I’m excited to help you with these challenges. Check out my YouTube to learn for free, join my Brotherhood waitlist, or apply for my mastermind.

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My 2025 Programs

Join the Monthly Membership Brotherhood

WAITING LIST - $49/Month

This program is for the man who has plenty of time. Your marriage isn't where you'd like it to be, but your wife isn't threatening divorce or acting in ways that make you think the marriage in jeopardy. You're wanting to work on things slowly, over time. You're not looking for one on one coaching, but know you need brotherhood. For men who want ongoing access, bite-sized wins, and community over massive one-time investments .

Join the 1-on-1 Coaching Program & Brotherhood


This ELITE program is for the man who is out of time. Your marriage is staring down the barrel of a devastating divorce and if you don't act quickly, it's over. Everything is on the line -- you want a guaranteed solution, and you need to get this done as fast as possible. For men who don’t just want information, but want direct mentorship, deep personal coaching, and a full battle plan to execute their transformation.